
Showing posts from May, 2014

Life goes on…..

It’s been some time since I have written. Caught up with work and other issues. Life has been settling into a familiar terrain of work, family and the daily grind. I have been reconnecting with family, after many years. But I do get the occasional time for some other pursuits, though few and far in between. Besides the television and the Car FM Radio, Ruskin Bond has been keeping me engaged these days. His stories are like a balm upon the soul, refreshing and healing at the same time. Multifarious and touching many lives, his stories are intimate studies of human beings and their lives, amongst tranquil nature. I also did the Art of Living course and   managed to gain some benefits from it… which I hope to continue. I have been discovering/ rediscovering many parts of Kolkata ( nee Kolkata). The Lakes, the malls ( may daughter is addicted to   malls already) , the Zoo, the Circus ( after decades), the   Lake Kalibari, the Rabindra Sarobar ...

Aarshi grows up

She grew up faster than I could know. I guess children are like that- one day they are a newborn kid babbling in your arms; and the nest thing you know, a few years have crossed by, and they turn into this little adult whom you never knew. She recently entered KG from Nursery. Quite a transition; I remember the School Interview where she was one more babbling kid, accompanying her parents to the interview.And today, she is a school-growing kid with varied interests from Chhota Bheem to dance and art. We play bubbles and football on the terrace quite often, and Snake and ladders at other times. The other day, her toy bird overshot the limits of our terrace, and went into the neighbor’s compound. It was quite a late night adventure to retrieve it. We took her to the circus this year, and she was enthralled to see the clowns and the animals. It was quite an adventure for her young life. Most of all, she remembers the joker who played the practical pranks. My late n...