Happy New Year
( 2010-11-
Mumbai / Kolkata / Delhi/……Anywhere)
The clock strikes twelve- Happy New Year!
Traffic and bright lights; fireworks fill the sky-
Pubs and hotels, enjoying the moment;
Drunken men and carefree lasses,
Living it up in the alleys, asking for more.
And while the merry goes on,
Asking for a better year that softens the wrath,
The ragged child on the pavement turns over,
Mutters and goes back to sleep.
There’s a cold wind blowing- “cold wave” this year;
“But, Comrade, do you feel the cold?”
“No, I am busy polishing off my Red Wine.”
“Comrade, were you there when the bombs struck
The procession last month?”
“What a question….it was time for my afternoon siesta!”
Comrade is happy, he does not feel the cold;
Neither does that old wizened woman in the corner -
Grief numbs the cold-her son was bombed to death last month.
The “happening” party, clubhouse, drinks on the rocks;
There’s an Ukranian dancer this year, or is it Turkish;
Oh, who cares, she’s dresses skimpily, and dances,
That’s fine enough for Mama’s little boys.
“Mama, Papa, Hello, Hello, Happy New Year;
Love you all, will be late with a friend tonight, don’t wait for me.”
(Actually I am with my Russian babe,
And, I can’t come home tonight).
Outside the club, two little urchins,
Woken up by the festivities, curious wretches roam the road;
No one to stop them? No, their parents died;
Crushed by the Metro girder which came crashing down.
“Ah, you pessimist, surely there’s enough to cheer about,
The markets have recovered, inflation is down.
They’re putting rapists and murderers behind bars these days;
Even those with powerful connections.
Delhi High Court has ruled-“gay is okay”,
Rainbow is the flavour of the day.
And, did you find another Mumbai or Delhi blast this year?
Things are better this year, I’ll have you know.”
“True, sir, why not, true indeed;
People get thrown out into the winter cold,
In beautification drives
For the Commonwealth Games;
A woman gets attacked every third minute
(Surprisingly common in her own “secure” home),
The morality police rounds up married couples,
People get raped and killed in Kashmir.
Disease kills people, debt does the rest;
Farmer suicides continue,
Progress indeed, happiness upon happiness,
“Tiger economy”, nine percent GDP growth.”
Enjoy your revelry.
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